Saturday, July 17, 2010

Benjamin wants a Harley.

Benjamin got all dressed up in his Harley duds only to find out that he has 15 more years until he can drive!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DJ Bear

Caption by "A".

This little bear is a fan of DJ's. Hope he doesn't rock the house up.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Benjamin and the train.

Benjamin decided to set up a nifty track and take Thomas for a spin.

P.S.  If you feel inclined, please leave a comment. "A" asked if people can leave messages for him. Lol!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Elmo and the potty.

Elmo couldn't even elude the paparazzi while going to the bathroom. The nerve of some people.

About The Kid

Hi, I'm Amy and I have a son who has a new aspiration to be a photographer. He has had a fascination with photography since he was about four. He loves to take photos and especially videos! Putting on plays is one of his favorite pasttimes. Lately though he has taken to setting up shots and then capturing them with his dad's Minolta DSLR. Many of the shots were very amusing (Elmo sitting on a doll potty reading a book!) and I mentioned to "A" that I should start a blog for him. And here we are!

As a summer project, "A" will be taking photos and I will be putting them here for you to enjoy. If we're lucky we'll even get him to caption a few of his pictures. Stay tuned!